
Showing posts from September, 2020

What Is Yoga /Top Best Yoga For Beginner To Try At Home

 What Is Yoga: Yoga means union. Etymologically, it is connected to the English word, yoke. Yoga means union with God, or, union of the little, ego-self with the divine Self, the infinite Spirit. Definitions of Yoga: Oxford Dictionary:    A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation.  Merriam-Webster:   1: a Hindu theistic philosophy teaching the suppression of all activity of body, mind, and will in order that the self may realize its distinction from them and attain liberation.   2: a system of physical postures, breathing techniques, and sometimes meditation derived from Yoga but often practiced independently especially in Western cultures to promote physical and emotional well-being.   Yoga is an art as well as a science, It is a science because  it offers practical    methods for controlling body and mind thereby making deep medica

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